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NW ASLTA General Meeting

Meeting Minutes for October 23, 2009

(Tentatively Approved - will call to fully approve by 2/6/10)

             I.      Call to order

Organizer, Eric Reed, called to order the regular meeting of the NWASLTA at approximately 6:30 pm on October 23, 2009 at Portland Community College in Sylvania.

No previous Officers were present. 


Members Present:   Tom Wills, Mark Rosenblume, Eric Reed, Ivan Padial, Patty Martin, Darcie LeMieux, Jeffrey Howard, Betsy Burks, and KatyBeth Anthony.

Visitors:  John Davis


Eric Reed collected membership dues before proceeding with the rest of the meeting to meet quorum.


          II.      Approval of minutes from last meeting


No meeting minutes to approve at this time.  All members reviewed the 10-20-07 minutes for information on previous officers (Yvonne Nicolay, Karen Wales, Delinda Morford, LoriAnn Kordalis, and Julia Fritz.) and account balance (6,292.28).  Please see 10-20-07 minutes for more details.



       III.      Election of Officers


Eric Reed explained the roles of each officer and proceeded with the election.


a.       President:  Betsy Burks nominated Eric Reed, KatyBeth Anthony 2nd the nomination.  All in favor.


b.      Vice President:  Patty Martin nominated Betsy Burks, Tom Wills 2nd the nomination.  All in favor.


c.       Secretary:  Ivan Padial nominated KatyBeth Anthony, Tom Wills 2nd the nomination.  All in favor.


d.      Treasurer:  Betsy Burks nominated Jeffrey Howard, he declined.  Ivan Padial nominated Jenifer Davis (Jenifer accepted the nomination thru email correspondence with John Davis), Tom Wills 2nd the nomination.  All in favor.






Eric Reed

Vice President

Betsy Burks


KatyBeth Anthony


Jenifer Davis


Eric Reed will arrange for a meeting with Yvonne Nicolay and Jenifer Davis to change names on the bank account and transfer treasurer’s records/materials.  Eric Reed will hold on to the membership collection ($140.00) until bank meeting.


Non-Profit Organization Status was discussed – are we active 501 C3? Tom Wills recommends to have someone follow up on this.

        IV.      Officers’ reports

No reports at this time. 

           V.      Open Issues (aka “old business”)


The voting of the officers.  See details above.


        VI.      New business

Several discussions regarding outreach, recruitment, and email correspondences.  We all agree that each officer is responsible to delegate/share work among the members to keep the workflow going.

a.       MOTION:  Darcie LeMieux proposed to have secretary to set up a Facebook account for NW ASLTA.  Tom Wills 2nd the proposal.  Jeffrey Howard closed discussion, Tom Wills 2nd.  All in favor.

Darcie LeMieux proposed and withdrew a motion to discuss workshop details.  Jeffrey Howard proposed and withdrew a motion for NW ASLTA to pay expenses for Betsy Burks for her trip to Arizona.

b.      MOTION:  Ivan Padial proposed to have the officers’ review and give refund if achievable to Betsy Burks for trip expenses to the ASLTA conference in Arizona.  Betsy Burks 2nd.  Discussion:  Betsy mentioned PCC has already paid for most of the expenses so it won’t be a lot.  Tom Wills recommended that Betsy to give a workshop and share what she learned in the ASLTA conference in return for expenses paid. 
AMEND:  Darcie LeMieux wants to add an audit be performed and then a vote in favor or not of the refund.  Tom Wills 2
Darcie proposed to close discussion, Betsy Burks 2
nd.  All in favor of both the motion and amend.

Several discussions regarding when and how to have a workshop.  Must have at least 2 workshops a year.  Jeffrey mentioned that it may not be a good idea to have one in spring due to confliction with the Deaf Studies workshop.  All agreed to have one board meeting before the next general meeting/workshop. 

c.       MOTION:  Darcie LeMieux proposed to determine a date for the general meeting/workshop anytime before January 31, 2010.  Patty Martin 2nd.   Discussion:  The workshop topic will be determined by the Vice President, Betsy Burks.  Darcie proposed closed discussion, Betsy Burks 2nd.  All in favor.

KatyBeth Anthony proposed to close New Business, Tom 2nd.   All in favor.


     VII.      Announcements (aka “health & welfare”)

a.       Tom Wills:  He made a date for a gathering to see the OSD Haunted House.  Next week Friday at 7pm (10/30/09).  All is welcome to join him.

b.      Darcie LeMieux:  Want to give support and acknowledgements to Tom Riggs on his recovering of cancer.

  VIII.      Adjournment

Eric Reed adjourned the meeting at 8:18pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:  KatyBeth Anthony


NW ASLTA General Meeting

Meeting Minutes for October 20,2007


I.      Call to order

President Tom Wills called to order the regular meeting of the NWASLTA at 2:22 pm on October 20, 2007 at Portland Community College.

II.      Roll call

Secretary Judy Kraft conducted a roll call.

Officers present:  President Tom Wills, Vice-President Patty Martin, Secretary Judy Kraft

Officers absent:  none

Members present:   Karen Wales, LoriAnn Whalen-Kordalis, Sue Brian, Delinda Morford, Susan Mason, Darcie LeMieux, Eric Reed, Patrick Fischer, Carolyne Engle-Ring, Julia Fritz, Yvonne Nicolay


III.      Approval of minutes from last meeting

Judy Kraft read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

IV.      Officers’ reports

President:  ASLTA Convention in Tampa, Florida 

a.      chapter luncheon – Darcie and Tom

b.      $750 grant recipient – founding member gave some history about it

Vice-President:   nothing to report

Secretary/Treasurer:  Judy Kraft reports the carry-over balance of the checking account is $6,292.28.

V.      Open Issues (aka “old business”)

a)      Checking Account – has not been audited in years.  Darcie LeMieux will assist with one more person to conduct the audit.

b)      Election of Officers for the 2007 – 2009 term





Yvonne Nicolay

Vice President

Karen Wales


Delinda Morford


LoriAnn Kordalis


Julia Fritz


VI.      New business

a)      National ASLTA Conference 2011 (NW ASLTA should assist the WA ASLTA in planning this conference.)  President should make contact soon.

b)      Non-Profit Organization Status - needs to be sought and accomplished by filing a 501 C3 form.

c)      Website for NW ASLTA needs to be recreated, possibly under the National ASLTA domain.


VII.      Announcements (aka “health & welfare”)

a)  ASL Teacher retreat idea with the WA ASLTA

b)  Yvonne proposed a wine tasting night

VIII.      Adjournment

Tom Wills adjourned the meeting at 3:10 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:  LoriAnn Whalen-Kordalis

Minutes approved by:  









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