If you have a job, volunteer or workshop opening you would like us to
post please
send details to KatyBeth Anthony at kbant@yahoo.com
- Project ABLE (volunteer) -Canadian Dictionary of ASL (workshop)
Project ABLE
Dear Chemeckta Community College ASL teachers;
Hello! My name is Marcia Macomber, and I work for a non-profit here in Salem called Project ABLE. Our
organization serves people in the mental health community by providing them with community and learning opportunities.
Most of our group are people who have had a history of difficult times, and are here to offer their support to others, by
showing them how they themselves have found a path to recovery and successful integration into this stressful world we live
We have some great people here who are really
interested in learning some sign language.
We offer scholarships to our people if they want to enroll in classes at Chemekta, and so we are
trying to find a way to offer a 1-2 hour activity that will allow them to learn some sign-language and try it out.
I am writing to find out if you might have a student that might be
interested, or if you yourself might be interested in volunteering some time to come to our training office on a Tuesday or
a Thursday night between 4-7 pm (for as much/as little of that time as you feel would be appropriate).
You would be rewarded with a very enthusiastic and fun audience, and
great appreciation for doing a great service.
Please let
me know if you are or are not amenable to this idea, and I will follow up with each of you by phone next week.
I thank you very much for your consideration, and welcome you to take
a look at our website to find out a bit more about us.
Best regards,
Marcia Macomber Wellness Coordinator Project ABLE - (a better life experience!)
mobile: 503-302-4494
address: 3876 Beverly
Ave. N.E. Building G
Suite 7 Salem, OR 97305
Canadian Dictionary of ASL
How to get MORE out of the Canadian Dictionary of ASL?
Want to know more about the history of ASL dictionary Want to know which terms signed or fingerspelled Want to learn more about ASL semantics Want
to learn regional signs
BCCSD proudly hosts workshop with Julie Martin
January 30th, 2010 - 10am to 3pm
click here for Canadian Dictionary Details